书名 | 分类 | 下载资源 | 备注 |
机器学习_周志华 | 机器学习 | | |
统计学习方法-李航 | 机器学习 | | |
Pattern Recongnication and Machine Learning | 机器学习 | | |
Machine Learning A Probabilistic Perspective | 机器学习 | | |
Convex Optimization | 优化 | https://web.stanford.edu/~boyd/cvxbook/ | Steven Boyd |
NIST Handbook of Mathematical Function | 数学工具书 | | |
Table Of Integrals, Series And Products | 数学工具书 | | |
Integral Transforms and Their Applications | 数学工具书 | | |
Probability and measure | 概率论 | | |
Introduction to Probability Models | 概率论 | | |
Matrix Calculus | 代数 | | |
Matrix Algebra | 代数 | | |
Zonal polynomials | 随机矩阵 | | |
Aspects of multivariate statistical theory | 随机矩阵 | | |
Random matrix methods for wireless communications | 随机矩阵 | | |
random matrix theory and wireless communications | 随机矩阵 | | |
应用随机过程 | 随机过程 | | |
Convex optimization in signal processing | 优化 | | |
Elements of Information Theory | 信息论 | | |
Wireless Communcations | 通信 | | |
Wireless Communications: Principles and Practices | 通信 | | |
通信原理 | 通信 | | |
Contemporary Communication Systems Using MATLAB | 通信 | | |
信号与系统 | 通信 | | |
network information theory | 信息论 | | |
Digital Communications | 通信 | | |
Channel Codes Classical and Modern | 编码 | | |
书籍下载 | libgen | | |
论文下载 | scihub | | |